PIDS Perspectives
In the event series "PIDS Perspectives“, current topics in the field of IT security are presented and discussed on an irregular basis. Based on an interdisciplinary approach, every topic is examined from different scientific perspectives.
The PIDS regularly organizes seminar talks on the topic of IT security.
An announcement of the upcoming talk can be found here, the videos of past talks can be found under PIDS Seminar Talks.
Past Events
Please follow the links for details on past events of the PIDS Perspectives series:
A Multi-disciplinary Discourse on Proximity Tracing
Digitale Souveränität - Leben mit der Abhängigkeit? (German only)
Funktionswandel des IT-Sicherheitsrechts (German only)
Critical Infrastructure Potection (German only)
Next-Generation Satellite Communication
3rd Roundtable Digital Security
5. Roundtable Digital Security
PIDS & IEEE Workshop on "Unconventional Lightweight Security for the Internet of Things"