PIDS Perspectives on Cyber War
In-person event PIDS Perspectives on 15th of Dec 2022 from 16:00 to 19:00
In IT-security, we know that vulnerabilities in systems enable cyber attacks, we further know that when we find a critical vulnerability, over time an attack will occur that exploits that vulnerability, and we know from forensic investigations that these attacks do occur.
The current war against Ukraine has again raised questions around cyber war: For example, what is the difference when cyber attacks occur during such a crisis? or, are or can cyber attacks be used to trigger or exacerbate such a crisis?
We invite experts to give us their legal and technical perspective. By doing so, we hope to better understand what defenses we already have and what additional defenses we may need, and what decision makers need to know when it comes to the legal and technical risks and methods of defending against the damaging effects of cyber warfare on a nation's digital infrastructure.
16:00 - 16:10 Welcome to the PIDS Workshop on Cyber War.
16:15 - 16:45 Legal Perspective - Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Dederer (University of Passau).
16:50 - 17:20 Technical Perspective - Marina Krotofil
17:20 - 18:15 Break for in-depth discussions (in the foyer)
18:15 - 19:00 Joint discussion of speakers and participants